+ Tatiana Skalozub

Miniature Pattern Flocke

I find inspiration everywhere. For instance I am looking on the ground and see a piece of chocolate wrapping thrown by somebody. Ordinary people see only the wrapping& I see combination of colors and textures and my mind draw the future picture. But during the process of bear sewing I can change my mind hundred of times and as the result I get absolutely new bear who created himself by his own. I just help him put together fabric peaces using a needle.

My bears are special because are born from my mind, my soul and dreams. They always come out not as they were imagined or drown on paper. Maybe they character and personality do not depend on me but on my mood.

I like to travel and bring something new from each journey to bears. Also attending bear shows makes chantings in my thoughts and produces new ideas.

The main tip and advice to share for making a bear is to make bears by yourself, by your own unique design, never copy other bear artists works. Every time try to find something new, something that did not exist before.